I went to a mantis fist gym for only half a year, and rule number one was "hit first, hit hard". Heavyweight Soltan Kovacz was mugged, grappled back and got both knees kicked to hospital (and out of competition). Badr Hari seriously injured a bouncer but didn't win anything (but disrespect for sucker punching) from that. Yeah, Mike Tyson felled a bouncer with one punch, but broke his hand by doing so. Being cornered by multiple attackers - what do? Lay down and wait for getting clubbed dead, or fight back and at least break through and survive? 4chan always thinks a competitive fighter is king among mortals but ignores how bouncers and robbers accumulate countless small victories every friday evening, creating either safe zones in clubs or hostile zones in shady city backyards. Competition rules already cross out a lot of mindsets and strategies.

MA without fighting ability is just dancing (and maybe acrobatics).

Even to defend without killing, you need to be able to hurt, both mentally and physically. Escorts needed to defend and kill, soldiers needed to kill, bodyguards needed to defend (and could maybe kill, who knows). The "shaolin monk martial arts trope" is only a marketing move, same with "the peaceful daoists". Really? Is CMA still associated with buddhism "don't hurt anyone" stuff? It wasn't pacifistic back then (why should they have been developed beforehand?), and they aren't now.