Mar 01 10:31:22.814: vmui| CVMUIStatusVM::OnPowerVM clicked The more verbose message from the vmware log in %temp% read: Unable to open file “D:\VMware\Virtual Machines\XP-Office2007\XP-Office2007.vmdk”: One of the disks in this virtual machine is already in use by a virtual machine or by a snapshot. When the machine was powered on, it still failed, but with a different and more descriptive error:

Instead of pointing the IDE drive to the “XP-Office2007-000001.vmdk” file, I moved that file out of my VM directory and then changed the ide0:0.fileName value to point to the older *.vmdk file, named “XP-Office2007.vmdk”. Trying to get lightning to strike twice, I tried my old standby fix of editing the name of the hard drive in the *.vmx file. I like to think I’m pretty decent with VMware, so I decided I’d roll up my sleeves, dig into the VM, and try to figure it out. At least one page indicated that a similar sounding problem wasn’t resolved by re-installing VMware.

Of course, I immediately started Googling these errors and failure messages, but found very little. Mar 01 09:28:46.957: vmui| Internal VMDB error: VMDB failure

Mar 01 09:28:46.750: vmui| CVMUIStatusVM::OnPowerVM clicked The vmware log in %temp% had the following entries: